Taste of SUMMER

vegetablesWA teams up with Dirty Clean Food and Stonefruit WA to serve local produce fit for the warmer months.

Producer & Styling Anna Flanders Recipe Development Amanda Daniel Food Prep & Styling Fenella Peacock

Pepper, Melon, Prawn Salad with Fennel, Sumac and Mint


Pepper, Melon, Prawn Salad with Fennel, Sumac and Mint

Serves 4

A light, simple-yetsophisticated festive starter with a touch of savoury and melon’s sweet juiciness. Perfect with a boutique crisp brew or sparkling rose. Can be served on a platter or as an individual entree.

Dirty Clean Food prawns, preprepared or order whole

2 tsp fennel seeds, toasted in a pan

1 tsp sumac powder

Pinch of not-hot red chilli flakes

Freshly ground pepper

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

½ cup finely sliced mint leaves

¼ cup finely sliced spring onion tops

2 baby cucumbers, shaved on a mandolin

2 sweet mixed (not hot) pale green & red banana peppers, seeds removed, thinly sliced (12 slices of each colour)

8 small mixed-colour cherry tomatoes, halved

1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

1 tsp grey sea salt

½ rockmelon, peeled and cut into

8 thin wedges, cut diagonally in half 8 thin slices of fresh lime Lime juice Mint leaves

Place cooked prawns (as many as you like) into a large bowl, toss gently with fennel seeds, sumac, a pinch of chili flakes, a pinch of pepper and a splash of EVOO. Set aside in a cool place to marinate while making salad.

To make the salad Place mint, spring onion, cucumber, peppers, tomato, pepper and salt in a bowl and gently toss. Cut melon slices in half diagonally and add to the bowl with lime slices, then gently mix. Add lime juice, taste and adjust seasoning if desired. Plate individually or in a big bowl with mint leaves and cucumber as garnish, and a few drops of EVOO.

Beans, Wild Rice & Nectarine



Beans, Wild Rice & Nectarine

Serves 4 as entree or side dish

A side dish that adds drama. Green beans with nectarine and the nutty tones of wild rice.

2 tbsp olive oil

1 medium-sized red onion, thinly sliced wedges

Sea salt

Fresh pepper

4 nectarines, cut into wedges**

4 bay leaves 4 fresh thyme branches

4 handfuls green beans, tails removed and blanched in salted water

1 cup cooked black wild rice*

Handful Italian parsley Walnut oil

* Soak black rice overnight, rinse, then cook until tender in boiling water (at least 45 mins). Remove from water and dress with walnut oil. Can be prepared the day prior.

** Plums were unavailable so we swapped in nectarine wedges.

Heat olive oil in a heavy-bottom pan. Add red onion, salt and pepper and sauté over moderate heat for 3 mins, then add nectarine. Before they fall apart and red onion over-colours, add bay leaves and fresh thyme. Saute until coloured. Add green beans and cook together for a moment. Add cooked rice and sauté (let rice pop for minute and have a screen cover at the ready). Check seasoning, then add parsley and a splash walnut oil.

To plate Place on platter or in a bowl and serve hot or ambient. Makes a nice entree, too.

Eggplant, Walnut & Spiced Cherry Bird


Eggplant, Walnut & Spiced Cherry Bird

Serves 4 as a main

This elegantly dramatic salad with creamy eggplant, crunchy walnuts and a touch of peppery green is perfect with spiced cherry dressing. Serve vegetarian or add roast chicken or crackling pork on the side.

1 Dirty Clean Food whole chicken


Olive Oil


Fennel seeds

2 lemons, cut in half

Sea salt

For the salad

½ cup cooking olive oil

2 medium white or black eggplants, sliced

2cm thick Sea salt

Fresh black pepper

4 handfuls of walnuts

1 cup finely sliced spring onion tops

8 fine slices lemon, seeds removed

2 large handfuls of fresh rocket leaves Walnut oil

For the cherry dressing

1/3 cup olive oil 5 shallots, peeled and thinly sliced

Sea salt

Fresh black pepper

Spice powder mix (½ tsp clove, ½ tsp nutmeg, 3 tsp Ceylon cinnamon, 3 tsp ginger)

2 cups cherry juice (natural)

4 handfuls pitted ripe fresh cherries (keep the juice)

Walnut oil Lemon juice

To prepare the chicken Preheat oven to 160°C. Wash chicken, then place on a baking tray. Place butter and a drizzle of olive oil inside chicken with garlic, fennel and lemon (squeezing in lemon first, then stuffing into cavity), then pour over oil, rub in some salt, butter and sprinkle over fennel seeds on top of chicken. Cook for 3hrs on 160°C, checking occasionally to baste chicken with pan juices and ensure it doesn’t overcook.

To prepare the salad Heat cooking oil in a heavy-bottom frying pan. Lightly season both sides of the eggplant. Add to the pan, cover with a lid, and slowcook until tender but not falling apart (about 20 minutes), then set aside. When cool, add eggplant to a large bowl with walnuts, spring onion, lemon, rocket, walnut oil and seasoning, plus a splash of cherry dressing. Set aside.

To prepare the cherry dressing Heat olive oil gently in a heavybottom frying pan. Add shallots and a pinch of salt, saute until they start to colour. Add pepper and spices to the pan, then cook until fragrant but not burnt. Add cherry juice and reduce to a thin, glossy syrup dressing consistency (about 8 minutes). Taste and adjust seasoning. When cool, add cherries and a dash of walnut oil to make it saucy. Finish with a squeeze of lemon. Set aside until ready to serve.

To plate Place roast chicken on a platter and arrange the eggplant salad around the edge. Spoon dressing over the chicken and salad, and place a bowl of extra cherry dressing on the table.

“ ... unlocking this growth lies in empowering consumers to feel confident and creative in their use of vegetables... 

“ Consumer behaviour is undergoing a significant transformation 

Burnt Peaches with Raspberries & Basil


Burnt Peaches with Raspberries & Basil

Serves 4

Fresh ginger, lime and honey caramel give white peaches a festive glow. Raspberries have a cheery sharpness and basil gives it the scent of summer. Best with creme fraiche or double cream. Good with vanilla bean cream, too. Peaches can be caramelised in the morning and sauce kept on the side.

4 just-ripe white peaches, washed and dried

2 tbsp olive oil, not too fresh

Pinch of grey salt, optional

3 tbsp WA honey

2cm fresh ginger root, scrubbed and finely sliced

20 small basil leaves, washed and picked

Zest of half a lime Juice from half a lime

2-3 tbsp cold water

1 punnet raspberries

Dirty Clean Food Jersey Cream

For the peaches Cut peaches, each side of the stone into two discs. Then cut the remainder off each side of the stone. In a heavy-bottom non-stick pan, add oil, salt and honey. On a gentle to moderate heat, bring the honey to a bubble, then add peaches cut-side-down. Once the flesh has the desired colour, turn over to cook on the other side. Add ginger and half the basil. Keep the temperature controlled so the honey’s sugars don’t burn. Once the peach is caramelised and the caramel is gold, remove with basil and ginger. Set aside.

For the sauce Add a splash of lime juice and ¼ cup of water to the pan. Reduce to create a sauce. Add more water if required for syrup consistency. To plate Arrange peaches, add toffee basil leaves and ginger, and drizzle with caramel. Finish with fresh raspberries, basil, lime zest, and cream. We served ours on a long platter, but you can also plate up individually.