
Stonefruit UPDATE

Discover the big changes in the stonefruit committee and how we are looking ahead to not only protect, but also drive, our industry.

Words Words Ross Anile, project officer


IS it raining where you are? Many growers have told me they have seen unexpected and unusual rain patterns this year. Some regions, such as the Perth Hills, have received above-average falls and in other areas, such as Donnybrook, the rainfall has been below expectations. Science indicates that climate change is and will continue to influence our weather patterns. We can only take steps to mitigate the effects and hope that through research and innovations it will return to a more predictable weather pattern in the future. For now, the onset of spring and plentiful fruit blossoms are encouraging signs of a good season to come.

Outgoing Chair

Danny DiMarco has been a member of the WA Stonefruit Committee for nine years, including holding the position of committee chair. This year he steps down, and we would like to extend a special thanks to him for his passionate energy and valuable contributions. We hope his retirement is short and we see him back again soon!

New Committee

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank Anthony Caccetta for taking on the role of chair. We look forward to working with him under his stewardship.

“ Youth are our future, and I encourage other young growers and industry professionals to join the committee 

Also welcome to Wilma Byle and Joseph Borg. Wilma and I have been on committees together in the past, so I am looking forward to working alongside her; Joseph is an up-and-coming horticulturalist who has come from a long family line of horticulturists. Youth are our future, and I encourage other young growers and industry professionals to join the committee.

Qfly Update

DPIRD introduced new protocols on July 13 for produce entering Western Australia. It must now be treated prior to import, in accordance with WA import requirements. Treatment on arrival in WA must be authorised by an inspector and is subject to written approval. For updates, visit wa.gov.au/organisation/department-ofprimary-industries-and-regionaldevelopment.