Time to be VIGILANT

As we say goodbye to the rain and feel spring in the air, it’s time to be on the lookout for pests.

Words Joseph Ling, committee chair

THE season has been frustrating for many, with small fruit produced across Western Australia and nationally. Looking ahead, with warmer temperatures and a drier period forecast, it’s a reminder to keep an eye out for pests and pay attention to irrigation schedules as we move through spring. Also keep an eye out for field days on pest management between now and autumn. They will be led by Rachelle Johnstone, from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, as part of the Integrated Pest and Disease Management Project led by the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Earlier this year in July, industry members joined APC staff to say thank you and farewell to Elbe Coetsee, our citrus industry development officer. Elbe was with WA Citrus for just over two years and led monitoring and reporting against the industry internal maturity testing program. She also investigated the impact of frost fans on fruit and the quality of lemons in an export supply chain. Her coordination of magazine content and newsletters also meant we kept in touch with what was going on.


“ Also keep an eye out for field days on pest management between now and autumn ... led by Rachelle Johnstone 

Biosecurity was a high priority identified in the review of the industry strategic plan and we have been busy in this space. Biosecurity officer Helen Newman and industry manager Bronwyn Walsh have attended meetings on the industry’s behalf and you will find articles on this in these pages.


Thank you to Elbe Coetsee (middle left) for efforts as our development officer.