WA CITRUS resources
Free resources are available for growers! They include handbooks for pickers, posters on fruit quality, biosecurity manual and rind colour chart, to name a few.
Words Bronwyn Walsh, Industry Development Manager, WA Citrus
PACKING up and moving out of the South Perth office has uncovered a store of leftover resources for WA citrus growers.
Harvest handbooks are a convenient pocket size with diagrams and short descriptions of good picking and safety practices. Perfect for meeting training or resource material for any audit or making sure all workers are on the same page with what they should/ should not be doing.
The Biosecurity Manual for Citrus Producers has some useful templates and photos of exotic pests you should be keeping an eye out for. A good resource for demonstrating you are practicing biosecurity on your property.
Quality and Orchard production posters are great for a reminder of what needs doing on a monthly basis and to look at for discussing the specifications you are aiming at for your packing.
Rind colour charts can be used with pickers for showing what colour they should be picking.
To get your free resources, ‘Pickup’ is preferred, for example at the industry day on 19th November or by arrangement to avoid postage costs. Give Bronwyn a ring if you’d like to know more, discuss or find other resources.
Bronwyn Walsh, 0400 873 875, industrymanager@wacitrus.com.au
WA Citrus Office
Building 98, 3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth WA 6151 w: wacitrus.com.au
Bronwyn Walsh industry development manager
m: 0400 873 875
e: industrymanager@wacitrus.com.au
Helen Newman biosecurity officer
e: biosecurity@wacitrus.com.au
WA Citrus Committee
Joseph Ling chair
m: 0417 828 238
Shane Kay
Andrew Pergoliti
Cliff Winfield
Daniel Ying
Graham Tanner
WA Citrus is the industry body representing citrus growers and industry in Western Australia.
WA Citrus aims to:
• Assist in the development of a profitable and sustainable citrus industry in WA
• Provide services, facilities and support to assist WA citrus growers supply premium citrus in the local, national and export markets
• Assist with growing the consumption of WA citrus fruit.