WA CITRUS update
We had a fantastic turn out at the regional forum in November with over 40 people attending from across WA. It was good to see you all, and a great opportunity to chat and celebrate a good season for most.
Words Joseph Ling, Committee Chair, WA Citrus
GENERAL reports indicate next season will be a heavy crop for the state, particularly in mandarins. The presentation at the forum from Aerobotics and Damien Guthrey were reminders of the value of assessing crop load. This is a good starting point for making crop management decisions that ensure your crop has the best fruit size for the best price at harvest.
Also at the forum, Citrus Australia reported their activities on labour, water and markets.
The priorities for WA industry provided to Hort Innovation, Citrus Australia and State government include: links to the national program through demonstration sites in WA and visits; surveillance for biosecurity threats; evaluation of varieties for WA conditions, pest management, improving packouts through improved fruit quality and maintaining export markets were important.
Connecting with major industry stakeholders, including the Hon. Jackie Jarvis.
For your calendar next year, registrations are now open for the 2025 Australian Citrus Congress, from 18–20th March 2025 in the Riverina, Griffith, NSW.
Citrus Australia grower members are eligible for discounted ticket prices, with a further $100 discount for early registration. Nathan Hancock said “This event will bring together the latest technology that helps address our workforce issues into one place”.
Lastly, it is with regret we accepted the resignation of Daniel Ying from WA Citrus, the citrus producers subcommittee of the pome, citrus and stonefruit producers committee of the APC. Daniel’s sharp eye for detail and financial perspective were appreciated by the Committee. Daniel, as part of Agrifresh team, also hosted several field days and trials on their orchards and was part of the WA contingent at national forums. We look forward to seeing Daniel at future industry events.
If you have any other industry-related questions, feel free to reach out to me, Joseph, or any of the current Committee members.
All the best to you and your family over the festive season.
Joseph Ling, 0417 828 238.