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As the weather gets warmer and summer kicks off it is critical to understand the signs of heat stress, and how to ensure you and your family and workers are safe.
Summarised from the Fair Farms Webinar 10
WORKING in the heat can be a major hazard and needs to be taken seriously as a potential health and safety risk (see Table 1).
Recently Fair Farms gave a presentation on this important topic and listed some important signs to be aware of, remembering the human body needs to maintain a temperature of 37ºC.
Heat exhaustion:
• Faint or dizzy
• Excessive sweating
• Rapid weak pulse
• Nausea or vomiting
• Cool, pale, clammy skin
• Muscle cramps
If you or your workers experience heat exhaustion, rest in a cooler place in the shade and remove excessive clothing.
Immerse hands and feet in cold water, and fan and moisten skin. Start to administer frequent small sips of water. Gently stretch if cramps occur.
Heat stroke:
• Throbbing headache
• May lose consciousness
• Rapid strong pulse
• Nausea or vomiting
• Body temp above 39.4ºC
• Red, hot, dry skin
• No sweating
If you or your workers experience heat stroke symptoms seek immediate medical help.
How to prevent heat stress:
• Monitor temperatures inside and outside
• Monitor air flow/winds/breezes
Remember the human body needs to maintain a temperature of 37ºC.
• Consult your workers as to managing heat impacts
• Provide shade
• Have more rest breaks, with hydration and sun protection
• Encourage light weight clothing
• Rotate workers
• Change work schedules to work in cooler times of day.
Watch the Fair Farms presentation below