Farm safety is a critical issue for
all growers.
Words Simon Moltoni, Acting CEO, vegetablesWA
FARM safety is a major responsibility for growers, and includes making provisions for staying healthy during the hot summer ahead. Fortunately, there are a range of resources to access and assist you in this area. Read more about this topic from this page.
vegetablesWA continues to monitor the Tomato Brown Rugose Virus in the Eastern States, and the recent detection of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly). Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Chief Plant Biosecurity Officer, Vincent Lanoiselet, said surveillance traps throughout the metropolitan area and in horticulture production areas formed a vital part of the State’s early warning biosecurity system. Updates will be provided as needed.
As part of their ongoing reviews, the APVMA have deregistered products that contain Chloral-dimethyl — please read the article on page 37 to ensure you are up to date with how to manage this change.
Finally, the team at vegetablesWA and our acting support team at WA Potatoes wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is responding to the detection of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) in Perth’s southern suburbs.