Grower event

On the 15th of November, the WA Stonefruit Committee and APC launched the WA Stonefruit Strategic Plan 2024–28 at the Kalamunda Community Centre in the heart of Kalamunda.

WA Stonefruit provided a smorgasbord and drinks, which was enjoyed by all who attended the event.

Anthony Caccetta chair of the WA Stonefruit Committee and Mark Scott presented the new Strategic plan to the growers.

The Strategic Plan was well received by the growers after Anthony and Mark explained the vision and role of the committee in its development.

The vision for the Stonefruit Industry is for a resilient, sustainable, and profitable Western Australian Stonefruit Industry with skilled growers delivering quality produce in high demand by the West Australian, domestic, and international customers.

The role of the Committee is to respond to industry needs and maximise the returns of growers by delivering effective industry programs, communications, and services which deliver against the Industry Strategy.



Anthony thanked WA Stonefruit Project Coordinator Ross Anile, and helpers for bringing together the event, and the Fiolo Family and WA Farm Direct for providing the stonefruit on display.


Staff & Committee

Stonefruit sub-committee

Anthony Caccetta
chair e: antc83@hotmail.com

Wilma Byl
e: fruit@valleyvieworchard.com.au

Michael Fernie
e: sunnybrae@outlook.com

Sebastian Fiolo
e: karragullen@bigpond.com

Mick Padula
e: mickpadula@yahoo.com.au

Mark Scott
e: markpscott@bigpond.com

APC fee for service charge

Stonefruit effective from November 1, 2009

Type of fruit 

All fresh stonefruit (apricots, cherries, loquats, nectarines, peaches and plums)



Processing fruit 



WA Stonefruit is the industry body representing stone fruit growers in Western Australia. The WA Stonefruit Sub-committee consists of growers from across the growing regions who contribute to initiatives to grow the WA stone fruit industry.

Queries & Newsletter

Ross Anile Project Officer and Value Chain Facilitator
m: 0419 931 118