WA STONEFRUIT workshop report

Hort Innovation:

Summerfruit Research and Development Ideation Workshop

I was invited to attend the Summerfruit Research and Development Ideation Workshop as the WA Stonefruit representative along with Mark Scott, a valued committee member.

Words Ross Anile, Project Officer and Value Chain Facilitator, WA Stonefruit

DUMI Mhlanga the Hort Innovation Industry Service & Delivery Manager along with CEO Trevor Ranford from Summerfruit Australia, where instrumental in bringing this workshop together.

There were 24 attendees from Hort, Summerfruit, Industry Partners and the Supply Chain from all over Australia.

Dumi Mhlanga welcomed all participants to the meeting, and described the revised Advisory Mechanism to inform Summerfruit Levy investments going forward and was looking to the process and relationships that will underpin a renewed team approach, all were encouraged to contribute and leave nothing unsaid.

Chair of SAL, Dean Morpeth who led the meeting with the SAL vision for Unity and Prosperity.


“ Cath Botta, facilitator for the workshop, outlined the opportunities for the day, to think strategically and to think big and bold for the future of the Summerfruit Industry. ”

Some of the main points of discussion that were covered by the workshop are listed below:

• Summerfruit Fund update

• Overview of the Summerfruit Committee R&D Themes

• Key R&D Needs, Issues and Challenges

• Key R&D Project Concepts: – Trade and market Access – Biosecurity and Pests – Productivity Efficiency, Innovation – Demand Creation – Quality (Domestic and Export) – Leadership/Capacity and succession

The workshop was a full day event with all participants showing great innovation and enthusiasm in working together for the future of Summerfruit in Australia.

Other WA Stonefruit Achievements 2023–24 Budget Year

• WAHU Conference 31st October 2023.

• Metcash/IGA State Retailer EXPO

• Industry Launch December 2023

• Product and Regional Branding Workshop September 2023 DPIRD Initiative.

Be Proactive Not Reactive

The importance of WA Stonefruit being a valued member of Summerfruit Australia cannot be underestimated. By being a proactive member, WA Stonefruit will be able to participate in many forums locally and nationally to gain knowledge on new growing techniques and possible new varieties, which is all part of the Research and Development platform, initiated by Summerfruit Australia.

Biosecurity and future export initiatives is not just a state issue, currently with the cooperation of DPIRD, DAFF, Hort Australia and Summerfruit (SAL), a great deal of study and investigation is being conducted to plan for future food security and sustainability of the Stonefruit Industry of Australia.

WA Stonefruit Industry is currently 8% of the overall Australian Stonefruit Industry. Even though we are a small percentage of the overall Australian Stonefruit Industry, WA is a respected member and encouraged to have a seat at the table.

This is a great outcome for WA Stonefruit, our views are respected and by working with our eastern state’s fellow representative bodies a greater positive future can be achieved.

Other WA Stonefruit Achievements 2023–24 Budget Year

Stonefruit sub-committee

Anthony Caccetta chair
e: antc83@hotmail.com 

Michael Fernie
e: sunnybrae@outlook.com

Sebastian Fiolo
e: karragullen@bigpond.com

Mark Scott
e: markpscott@bigpond.com

APC fee for service charge

Stonefruit effective from November 1, 2009

Type of fruit 


All fresh stonefruit (apricots, cherries, loquats, nectarines, peaches and plums) 


Processing fruit



WA Stonefruit is the industry body representing stone fruit growers in Western Australia. The WA Stonefruit Sub-committee consists of growers from across the growing regions who contribute to initiatives to grow the WA stone fruit industry.

Queries & Newsletter

Ross Anile Project Officer and Value Chain Facilitator

m: 0419 931 118 e: ross.anile@perthnrm.com