update WA CITRUS


Heads are still down for a season that started two weeks early this year. The light year for early mandarins hopefully saw some good returns to growers.

Words Joseph Ling, Committee Chair, WA Citrus


WA Citrus, the Citrus Sub-Committee of the APC Pome, Stone and Citrus Producers Committee, has an MOU with Citrus Australia to act as the WA Regional Advisory Group to Citrus Australia. This provides a formal pathway for WA citrus growers to take any issues to the national peak industry body. If you’d like to provide your issues of concern to be raised from the industry at a state or national level, you can let us know, discuss or go direct.

In April Nathan Hancock, CEO from Citrus Australia, gave an update on their advocacy work on the range of labour issues and the biosecurity levy. In testament to the value of providing feedback —at the federal level, the proposed national biosecurity tax has not been imposed on growers and the minimum hours for the PALM scheme went back to at least 120 hours work over 4 weeks. The outstanding item to growers being an increase in minimum wage by 3.75% from July 1.

In conjunction with our field day program, Citrus Australia will be holding their regional forum in WA later in the year (late November TBC). Adrian Englefield, Industry Services and Delivery Manager from Hort Innovation, will also be attending this event to meet and hear from WA citrus growers.

“ This is a great opportunity to meet with Hort Innovation directly and would be good to have as many WA growers there as possible. ”

On the flipside of visitors coming to WA, there are plenty of opportunities for WA growers to participate in study tours, attend interstate citrus or horticulture events or training —in person or online. Attending these events or training can often result in much more than just the initial focus, such as making useful contacts with growers or experts. If there is any particular topic, you’re interested in please let us know —it can be incorporated into a local event, article or external source identified.

Just after Easter we said goodbye to Ethan Riemer, our part time industry development officer. Ethan compiled the internal fruit maturity report, industry events and assisted with the R&D trial in 2023. We wished Ethan all the best with his move to a permanent full-time position with the forestry industry in the southwest. His enthusiasm and commitment during his time with us was greatly appreciated. Bronwyn will be returning full time to the Industry Development Manager role by September.

Positions on the Committee are available. Please contact myself, Bronwyn or any of the Committee members if you would like to know more about being on the Committee or any other topic. Being on the Committee is a chance to learn more about your industry, crop and what is going on and have your say on what can help the industry.

I look forward to seeing you at the regional forum in late November.


Joseph Ling 0417 828 238 or Bronwyn Walsh 0400 873 875.