BUSINESS Freshcare recognition
Recognition for Freshcare Growers and Supply Chain Businesses
The recent recognition of Western Australia Freshcare certified Berries, Leafy Vegetable and Melon growers, packers and supply chain businesses as meeting the new national Primary Production and Processing (PPP) Standard, is a fantastic outcome for industry.
Words FreshCare
UNDER the PPP requirements for Horticulture (Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons) developed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) —WA growers, packers and processors who maintain their Freshcare Certification will not be subjected to additional routine inspections by Local Government, who will be the enforcement agency for the new regulatory requirement.
The WA Government is the first state to recognise Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons businesses who are certified to Freshcare’s Food Safety & Quality Program 4.2 as part of ongoing collaboration with peak industry bodies, WA Government and Local State Government jurisdictions.
Freshcare CEO Jane Siebum says the recognition from the WA Government is a testament to the amazing work growers and supply chain businesses do every day across Australia.
“Freshcare continually works to gain recognition for the hard work our growers, supply chain and businesses already do through attaining certification.
“Freshcare participants have proved through ongoing implementation of best business practice and meeting compliance criteria that their food is safe and of the highest quality for consumer consumption.
“ We hope to see our participants hard work acknowledged and recognised throughout all Australian States and Territories over the coming year, in time for the commencement of the new regulatory requirements. ”
Jane Siebum, CEO Freshcare
Your Questions to Freshcare: To assist with the transition to the new scheme by 2025, we’ve answered some frequently asked questions below.
Who is Freshcare and what do we do?
Freshcare is an Australian-owned and operated company and the leading provider of internationally recognised assurance standards for the fresh produce, wine grape and supply chain industries.
As a not-for-profit organisation, Freshcare receives no government funding or levies and is funded through participation. All proceeds go back into the research and development of our resources, standards, advocating for recognition of our participants to ensure ongoing market access.
What is the FSANZ PPP legislation and how does it affect Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons producers?
The new national standard contains requirements including notifying authorities, product traceability, managing safety of inputs, and worker and premises hygiene for melons, berries and leafy greens producers, handlers and supply chain. You will have to comply with these new food safety standards from 12 February 2025.
For more information regarding your specific crop requirements please visit food-safety-horticulture/Food-safety-requirements-forhorticulture
How can I become Freshcare Certified?
Freshcare has created four steps to certification. Our programs are supported by in-person and online training, templates and resources to support you on your certification journey.
Step 1: Signup & Registration
Step 2: Implement & Train, this includes e-learning or in-person training, program implementation, testing and internal audit.
Step 3: Booking and undertaking an audit with an external Certification Body.
Step 4: Certification and resources to promote your achievement.
How does Freshcare and the Freshcare programs fit into this new legislation?
Under the PPP requirements for Horticulture (Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons) developed by FSANZ — WA growers, packers and processors who maintain their Freshcare Certification will not be subjected to additional routine inspections by Local Government, who will be the enforcement agency for the new regulatory requirement.
Freshcare continues to advocate, together with peak industry bodies, for participants in all states and territories to gain recognition for this cohort of growers and. We hope to see Freshcare Certified Berries, Leafy Vegetables and Melons producers, handlers and supply chain businesses recognised nationally, under the new legislation in coming months.
To find out more about how your business can become Freshcare Certified visit