There was a major undertaking by the WA Stonefruit Committee, to deliver a new form of marketing for WA Stonefruit, to increase public awareness and the desire to purchase quality Stonefruit grown in WA.
Words Ross Anile, Project Officer and Value Chain Facilitator, WA Stonefruit
THE campaign consisted of 78 radio slots on Nova 93.7 FM and three months of social media interaction.
Nectarines, apricots, peaches and plums were featured. Unfortunately, with the late start of the campaign cherry’s where unable to be featured.
The new campaign for 2024–25 season will feature all Stonefruit groups.
“ Overall, the social media side of the campaign exceeded all expectations. ”
Marketforce, the marketing company contracted, expected 250,000 to 300,000 engagements, where in fact we achieved over 400,000 engagements.
Considering these figures, Marketforce has recommended we focus on a social media platform as our main form of marketing WA Stonefruit to the WA consumer.