A horticultural life

Meet Ross Anile. He’s the new Project Officer and Value Chain Facilitator for WA Stonefruit whose representing you with a wealth of 58 years’ experience from grower to retailer.



Life is full of challenges, and one must always look to the next challenge with enthusiasm and optimism. My name is Ross Anile: the new WA Stonefruit Project Officer and Value Chain Facilitator. I would like to thank Perth NRM for giving me the opportunity to assist WA Stonefruit and for cutting short my semiretirement plans...

I have a strong family background in the local horticultural industry, starting when my grandfather, Rosario Anile Snr, first arrived in Australia from Italy in 1927. Following in my grandfather’s footsteps was my father, Michael Anile Snr, who helped run our family farms in Karragullen and Roleystone from 1946 until 1977. During this period, I experienced the highs and lows of family orcharding and retain many wonderful memories.

My family sold the Roleystone orchard in 1977. I was 17 years old at the time and Ieft the industry. We had always worked together as a family, so we then pursued the next phase of our working life in the retail sector.

“ As horticulturists, you are an important part of the food chain security of this nation. Never underestimate your importance and professionalism.  

In July 1977, my father purchased the Roleystone Liquor Store. I finished high school in 1977 and after two years helping my father run the liquor store, I entered the corporate world and worked in the Perth CBD for three years. In 1981, my father encouraged me to purchase my own business, the Roleystone Deli and Fruit & Veg, at the age of 21.

After making a success of the gourmet deli, my family purchased the Roleystone Supermarket (now Roleystone Fresh IGA) in 1984. We continued to own and operate this business until August this year. So my experience across the food chain – growing, wholesaling and retailing – spans 58 years.

Throughout this career, I held many additional positions in the retail industry, including marketing and sales committees for FAL Wholesalers to State and National Boards for the Metcash Group, which is the primary wholesaler to independent supermarkets in Australia.

Currently, I am a National Director for Master Grocers Australia, which is a Melbourne-based industry body that supports and represents independent supermarket, liquor and hardware retailers. I have entered into this position at Perth NRM with WA Stonefruit to assist the industry with enthusiasm and diligence, with a smile on my face, knowing I am returning to my roots.

My plan is to represent the industry at all levels of government and wholesaling, using the knowledge I have gained over the years for the benefit of the stonefruit industry.

I look forward to engaging with representatives throughout the supply chain to learn more about this dynamic industry, with the primary aim of helping us face upcoming challenges together. As horticulturists, you are an important part of the food chain security of this nation. Never underestimate your importance and professionalism. 

Stonefruit hitlist

What we are working on for our growers.

RADIO Finalising a six-week radio marketing program to highlight the WA-grown stonefruit industry.

GREAT GRAZE Preparing to showcase the great taste of our produce at the WA Great Graze Market at Cottesloe Civic Gardens on Sunday, March 26.

COMPETITIVE PRICING Reducing the cost of doing business is one of the main challenges for any business. Through my contacts, I will put together initiatives to help growers obtain competitive pricing for operational costs, such as power, insurance and machinery, etc.

BLACK COCKATOOS I have made contact with a manufacturer in The Netherlands to investigate the potential of using drone technology to control the movement of endangered black cockatoos in horticultural regions. We hope that this technology will be able to minimise crop damage without presenting a threat to the cockatoos.


Contact Ross Anile on 0419 931 118  or email ross.anile@perthnrm.com.au.