
THE Honourable Jackie Jarvis and WA Citrus Chair, Joseph Ling.

From the industry


Before harvest starts, if you haven’t caught up on last season’s figures, your forecast for 2023 or listened to that podcast or this YouTube episode, now’s the time. One podcast you can’t miss is The Full Bottle podcast, which has been put together incredibly well by Citrus Australia – have a listen at

After that or before it, if you still have some time, read our Biosecurity Officer Helen Newman’s story in this issue (page 59). It encourages us to spend some time on Being Prepared and she has provided a link to some updated biosecurity resources.

Elbe Coetsee, our Industry Development Officer, also reminds us of our The Taste of WA Mandarin goal to reach 95%. Plan your free pre-harvest testing program now. Lastly, keep an eye on our e-Newsletters for coming events in March, April and July. At industry level, our Industry Development Manager Bronwyn Walsh met with the Hon. Jackie Jarvis MLC, the Minister for Agriculture and Food, Forestry and Small Business, at an APC event in DPIRD headquarters at Nash Street.

“ We are also looking for new members for the Biosecurity Working Group and WA Citrus.  

We discussed workforce, biosecurity, climate change affecting quality and export topics.

We are also looking for new members for the Biosecurity Working Group and the WA Citrus Committee. Each involve a couple of face-to-face meetings per year and a couple online. It is a great way of keeping up to date with what’s going on, catching up with other growers and keeping the industry on track.

Please contact myself, Bronwyn or any of the committee members if you’re interested or would like to know more about the committee or any other topic. We are rested and ready, and wish you all the best for the season ahead.

Contact Joseph Ling on 0417 828 238.