

How to help keep WA free from Asian citrus psyllids? Call on the community.


Fremantle residents are on the frontline of stopping Asian citrus psyllid in its tracks by taking part in trapping activities with this Early Detector Network sticky trap kit.

RESIDENTS with citrus trees within 10km of the Fremantle Port have been encouraged to join the CitrusWatch Early Detector Network to help detect Asian citrus psyllids as early as possible. Each year, CitrusWatch distributes hundreds of Asian citrus psyllid sticky trapping kits to volunteer trappers throughout Australia. These sticky traps are helping the citrus industry to detect exotic pests, such as the Asian citrus psyllid, as early as possible. Early detection increases the chance of eradication. Anybody can opt-in to the Early Detector Network and receive a trapping kit. If you optin to the program as a volunteer early detector, a CitrusWatch coordinator will be in touch to confirm when you will receive a trapping kit and to answer any questions you may have. This network would not be possible without its volunteers.

Watch Out

Biosecurity Workshops for citrus growers will be held by the end of this year with the aim to help growers protect their business. Watch WA Grower and your inboxes for news on when these workshops will be held.
