Incursion UPDATES

The WA citrus industry receives insider information on current responses at the latest WA Horticulture Biosecurity Advisory Council meeting.


IN mid-August, biosecurity officer Helen Newman and industry manager Bronwyn Walsh joined other horticultural and bee industries at a WA Horticultural Biosecurity Advisory Council meeting. The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) gave updates on at least six responses that are currently occurring in Western Australia. Four of these are related to exotics to WA and the remainder are exotic to Australia. The group meetings are a good opportunity to build relationships with DPIRD plant health staff, understand the emergency responses and gain learnings from other responses and at-risk industries.



WA Citrus Office

Building 98, 3 Baron-Hay Court, SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 w:

Bronwyn Walsh industry development manager m: 0400 873 875 e:

Administrative Services m: 0439 899 600 e:

Helen Newman biosecurity officer e:

Ethan Riemer industry development officer m. 0484 725 471 e:

WA Citrus Committee

Joseph Ling chair m: 0417 828 238

Shane Kay Mary Ann O’Connor Andrew Pergoliti Cliff Winfield Daniel Ying


WA Citrus is the industry body representing citrus growers and industry in Western Australia.

WA Citrus aims to:

• Assist in the development of a profitable and sustainable citrus industry in WA

• Provide services, facilities and support to assist WA citrus growers supply premium citrus in the local, national and export markets

• Assist with growing the consumption of WA citrus fruit.