POMEWEST snackgrets



keep the snackgrets away?

You may well ask, what is a Snackgret? and it does sound a bit strange. Is it even a word, you may ask? Well, it’s a new term coined by Thinkabell, an advertising agency contracted to Hort Innovation to find a unique and innovative way to drive domestic apple sales and consumption. The Hort Innovation Apple Marketing Fund Levies funds this initiative.

Words Nardia Stacy, Executive Manager, Pomewest

THE new marketing campaign for the Australian Apple Industry, ‘No Snackgrets,’ aims to encourage people to improve their snacking habits by choosing apples as their go-to snack and feeling great about doing something great for their mood and bodies. 16% of us experience regret after eating a snack, and 53% of those regret it due to its unhealthy nature or experience overconsumption. So, the idea behind this campaign is that when you choose an apple as a snack every day and follow an apple-a-day mantra, you can be sure you are doing something terrific for your mind and body.

With apples, you can eat more healthily. They are nature’s perfect snack-affordable, easy to prepare, and perfect for on-thego snacking. This makes healthy snacking not just a choice but a convenient and accessible lifestyle.

Most Australians enjoy snacking between meals, with 55% consuming 1–2 snacks daily. Taste plays a crucial role in snack selection, with 73% favouring chocolate or lollies, 61% opting for chips or packaged savoury snacks, and 56% choosing baked goods.



of Aussies agree apples are the best option for healthy snacking


said they wouldn’t regret eating an apple as a snack


said they would eat an apple if they wanted a healthy snack

The campaign was developed by the Hort Innovation Marketing Team under the guidance of the Strategic Marketing Panel, following an in-depth study into the role of apples in the Australian diet. Data was gathered to understand when and how people typically snack. The campaign was designed based on the findings and targets ‘light buyers’, that is, consumers who do not usually choose apples as a snack food. The data confirms what we have always known about our competitors in the snacking industry, particularly in the confectionery, muesli/protein bars, baked goods, and salty snacks aisle. The campaign aims to expand our customer base to include those who don’t usually snack on apples to increase the demand for Aussie Apples nationwide.


Nardia Stacy, 0411 138 103, nardia@pomewest.net.au
