
BUSINESS quality assurance


Can you 


Get up to date on how to work
with ag chemicals with the latest
learnings from AusChem.

Words Joel Dinsdale, vegetablesWA quality assurance

HOW long has it been since you completed chemical user training? Legislation and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements are dynamic, while ag chemical technology is advancing at a rapid pace. By completing training, you can be sure that you are up to date.

The two courses that you should look to doing or updating every 12 months are: AHCCHM307 Prepare and Apply Chemicals to Control Pest, Weeds and Diseases and AHCCHM304 Transport and Store Chemicals.

Both courses are pitched at workers who work under broad direction and take responsibility for their own work. AHCCHM307 covers: determining the need for chemical use and preparing an application plan; preparing chemical mixes; calibrating application equipment ; applying chemicals; clean-up equipment and completing records. AHCCHM304 covers preparing how to handle and transport chemicals; handling and transporting chemicals; storing chemicals in the workplace; and recording storage details.

“ Participants said they enjoyed the learning... and the pragmatic discussions that were conducted as part of the course 

Our most recent AusChem Training session was in May, completed and hosted by myself and fellow vegetablesWA team members Katrina Hill and Chi Nguyen. It was a great learning event that finished with a practical assessment at Bluebells in Jandabup. We had a good number of vegetablesWA members and affiliates as part of course who reported back that they enjoyed the learning, assessment activities and the pragmatic discussions that were conducted as part of the course.

If you are a grower and you haven’t completed a Chemical User Training course (such as AusChem), it’s strongly suggested that you do.


Contact quality assurance co-ordinator Joel Dinsdale on 0417 857 675.