Thank you to the women in horticulture who often work double-time in their businesses.
Words Ross Anile, Perth NRN Stonefruit project officer and value chain facilitator
“ ... they are multiskilled masters at juggling many priorities ”
WELCOME to the winter issue of the WA Grower. My first four months in this role has been very busy and flown by. By now you are all coming to the end of the stonefruit season, which hopefully has met your hopes and expectations. Winter is now around the corner and the opening rains during April have been encouraging, hopefully leading up to an above-average wet winter.
During the month of May, we celebrated Mother’s Day and gave thanks to the women in our lives, especially our mothers and wives and partners. However, celebrating the women in our industry should be more frequent than once a year. Many women work alongside their partners on the land, as well as often carrying the responsibility of managing the family household. The importance of their contributions cannot be underestimated.
They are multi-skilled masters at juggling many priorities to nurture the whole family, keeping everyone well fed and properly clothed, driving the children to all their activities, helping with homework, keeping on top of finances, acting as conflict mediator, mental health counsellor and soothing any hurts. Plainly, they are often the ones who keep the family home functioning.
If that wasn’t enough, women also volunteer their small amount of spare time to contribute to their community on committees and school canteens, and will step up to help a friend in need. They are the heart and soul of many communities, and we can never put a price on their contribution to the Australian way of life that we cherish so much. So, let’s all reflect and cherish our mothers and wives or partners who play such an important role in our lives.