Continuing export
growth by diversifying
markets for WA fruit



Northern Valley Packer’s Sales and Marketing Team, Damien Guthrey and Stacey Barr, checked in on the freshly-landed navels from Moora Citrus in Thailand this month, a West Australian first for citrus.

The Thailand shipment was the first for WA fruit and was the result of a lead from the DPIRD Trade team. An increasing number of containers of navels also went to Vietnam, building on the number of shipments from last year. This growth follows reports of overall growth in Vietnam and Thailand markets from Australian data collated by Citrus Australia.

Shane Kay, CEO from Northern Valley Packers, said they were developing markets where there was an attractive price and increasing demand.

A new emerging market for citrus fruit is India and so in July, Joseph Ling, Chair of WA Citrus, represented WA Citrus as part of a WA Trade Mission to India, led by WA Deputy Premier Roger Cook. This was a good opportunity to get some WA eyes on the ground in India, building on activities already started by Citrus Australia, as well as to join other members of the WA primary industry sector. The difficulties with China, one of our premium export markets, was one topic of conversation amongst the WA primary industry members. Joseph also met with freight forwarder agents and retailers as part of an informal and formal itinerary.

India and the subcontinent have been recognised as potential growth markets for citrus, however it is considered a long-term strategy as it will take time to overcome some of the challenges with this market.

Categories that are being targeted for the Indian market are navel oranges, and Afourer and Murcott mandarins, particularly where there is high value fruit for a high return. The current market is focusing on smaller fruit so a marketing strategy will be necessary if exporting larger fruit.

These markets build on existing exports from WA to China, Hong Kong, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Philippines.

To find out more about market trends, the biennial Citrus Market Outlook Forum is being held in Mildura and planned for 7–9 March 2023. Watch the website, Australian Citrus News or newsletter for more information on this event.



MOORA Citrus navels in retail store, Thailand, a WA first.
