ROYAL Blue are currently being imported from SA to fill shortages in the WA fresh market.
I trust this finds potato growers travelling along okay as 2022 moves towards spring. The south-west region has just experienced a couple of solid weather events and with that I suspect there has been some crop damage.
I took a bit of time to venture down the coast to witness eight-metre swells and winds to 100km/hour. Events like this can change your bottom line in the blink of an eye.
Growers on the Myalup strip have seen considerable damage to crops. Michael Patane and Larry Maiolo both stated that Royal Blue plantings suffered the most. Plants were stripped of leaves and will battle to gain size and yield. Royal Blue seems to be a variety that is a thorn in growers’ sides. It would be great to see a cultivar similar that can better handle WA growing conditions. Royal Blue are currently being imported from SA to fill shortages in the WA fresh market.
Labour shortages was another topic of conversation and continues to create pressure for farming enterprises. Farming operations are having to work longer hours to cover the shortfall. How long can this be sustainable before the wheels start to fall off?
Thanks to Glen Ryan for his dedication and contribution to the WA potato industry.
Horticulture House is very near completion and looks fantastic. With this renovated space, the PGA will look at leasing office space, which is a great opportunity. Growers will be updated as these conversations develop.
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge one of our retiring office bearers, Glen Ryan, who has decided to call time on his roll on the PGA CoM. Glen has been instrumental for our industry. Glen and the PGA have been heavily involved with efforts to create and export entity.
Ausfarm Connect (AFC) is a concept which has been developed for the benefit of all growers.
Glen was assigned Chair of a sub-committee, along with other representatives, Danny Omodei (VC), Colin Ayres, Patrick Fox and Steve Bendotti. They have overseen AFC and put forward recommendations to PGA CoM to create the best possible opportunity for this to succeed. Glen is also currently a board member and chair on the APC-PPC.
On behalf of all PGA CoM members and growers, thank you Glen for your dedication and contribution to the WA potato industry.
Contact Vaughan on 0417 092 505 or email